Walk Ministries

2024 Hope for the Journey Conference

(Formerly the Empowered to Connect Conference)

Saturday, April 27 – 8:30am – 5:30pm (registration 8:00am)

Show Hope’s ‘Hope for the Journey’ Conference is designed to encourage and equip parents and caregivers meeting the everyday needs of children impacted by adoption and/or foster care. The conference is also a much-needed resource for churches, agencies, and organizations in their care and support of the families and communities they serve.

The conference remains low-cost, high-impact as Show Hope also works to resource parents, churches, agencies, and other organizations as they support and equip the families, caregivers, and the communities they serve. Structurally, the Hope for the Journey Conference will include five high-level learning modules based on the foundational principles of Trust-Based Relational Intervention® (TBRI®) along with a new teaching component, The Gospel + TBRI. Embedded within each learning module will be a “Going Deeper” teaching video on a select topic, and also included will be two practical, encouraging “Practical Perspectives” videos featuring the voices of adult adoptees as well as adoptive and foster families. 

Cost per person: $20 (includes 1 workbook, conference registration, continental breakfast, snacks, and lunch)

Cost per couple: $30 (includes 1 workbook to share, conference registration, continental breakfast, snacks, and lunch)

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To register, click the ‘add conference registration’ button below to display shopping cart. Enter number of households under quantity and press ‘enter’. Click the ‘check out with PayPal’ button to go to PayPal site to make payment and complete registration.

Conference Modules:

Learning Module 1: An Introduction to Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI)

Learning Module 2: Connecting Principles.

 Learning Module 3: Empowering Principles

Learning Module 4: Correcting Principles

Learning Modules 5: The Gospel + TBRI

Continuing Education

Certificates of completion will be made available for adoptive and foster families to submit to their respective agencies.

Unlike previous years, professional continuing education will not be offered through Show Hope.

Point Bible Church

2938 US Route 11

Whitney Point, NY 13862

An Adoption, Foster Care, and Orphan Care Ministry of Whitney Point First Baptist Church